Home>Products>Large Slewing Bearings>68956A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings
68956A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings
Large Slewing Bearings
Franke 68956A Bearing SPECIFICATIONS
What are the types of Vickers PUMP LIMITED 68956A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings ? Large Slewing Bearings Manufacturing Service . Get Your 32 mass 3 SBRG Free, Instant price, design 14 Z_ review.
- Franke
- 32
- 14
- 3
- 176
- 1050
- 860
- 48
- 3
Vickers PUMP LIMITED2020-07-10 09:46:19
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68956A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings Description of the code
- 32
- 14
- 3
- 176
- 1050
- 860
- 48
- 3
- 68
- 1
- ecat_NSCLDR
- 324
- 228
- 340
- 252
- NJ332EM
- 1700
- 204
- NJ332EM
Franke 68956A 68956A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings Product Features
No. | Brand | G | a | F | e | C | X | T | E |
7 1140 13 | Rollix | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
33 0641 01 | Rollix | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
77206A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
39 0841 01 | Rollix | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
2 2202 | Rollix | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
66160L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
68747A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
73111L | Franke | - | - | - | - | 29.1 | - | - | - |
7 0946 05 | Rollix | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
68749A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
25 0741 01 | Rollix | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
29 0841 01 | Rollix | - | - | - | - | 0.31 | - | - | - |
37 0641 01 | Rollix | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
69710L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
68729A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
34 0741 01 | Rollix | - | - | - | - | 7.75 | - | - | - |
25 0841 01 | Rollix | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
68560A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
77305B | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
6 2500 01 | Rollix | - | - | - | - | 63 | - | - | - |
8 0675 | Rollix | - | - | - | - | 119 | - | - | - |
2 1715 | Rollix | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
68506A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
25 1091 01 Rollix Slewing Ring Bearings | Bearing Outer Ring Material:Steel; d:40.0000 mm; Self Aligning:Self Centering; Ring Size:Standard; Retainer Material:Nylon; Expansion Type:Non-Expansion; Bearing Insert Material:Steel; Bearing Family:Setscrew Ball Bearin; Retainer Type:Std Retainer; Anti-Rotation Pin:Yes; Shaft Attachment (2):Set Screw; Housing Coating:Powder Coat; Base to Center Height:Low; Grease Type:Unirex N2; End Cap Groove:No; |
74118A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | Flinger Material:Steel; Grease Type:Mobilith SHC PM 220; d:2.4375 in; Housing Type:2 Bolt Pillow Block; Ball Grade:Class 10; Bearing Bore Shape:Round; Manufacturing Plant Location:Crossville, TN - DC; Max Bearing Speed:2500 rpm; Retainer Type:Max Life Cage; Shaft Attachment (2):Grip Tight; Ball Material:Steel; Bearing Locking Device:Tapered Adapter Slee; Flinger Type:Rubberized; Bearing Duty:Normal Duty; |
68967A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | ao:4.1; hidYobi:7201CTYNDF; C_conv:12800; 2B_:20; Oil rpm:40000; m0:0.247; d:12; C0:7.7; fo:12.5; SRE:3.1; SDM_:21.973; DI_:16.011; B_:10; ALP21:15; DA_:5.953; SBRG:2; C:12.8; D_:32; SREX:0.03; rb:0.6; |
73094L Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | DE_:245.579; SBRG:19; yobi:7938C; ALPHA_:15; r1:1; LangID:1; B_:33; D_a:250; SRI:10.73; d:190; Oil rpm:4300; SREX:0.08; ALP21:15; C_conv:147000; m0:0.822; SRIX:0.08; GRS rpm:3000; a:46.6; r:2; DI_:204.241; |
7 1304 04 Rollix Slewing Ring Bearings | Prod_Type3:ACBB_SR_MM_DT; DA_:57.15; d:170; r1:1.5; DI_:207.245; GRS rpm:1100; DE_:322.715; SRE:29.72; Z_:12; C0:890; SRI:29.72; D_a:342; KBRG:7334; SREX:0.21; C_conv:575000; ALPHA_:40; hidYobi:7334BDT; yobi:7334BDT; 2B_:144; LangID:1; |
77282A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | ALPHA_:15; C_conv:242000; KBRG:7214; ao:3.5; ra:2; rb:2; DI_:114.446; db:112; GRS rpm:4500; m0:1.02; DE_:165.322; D_a:168; mass:7.3; yobi:7220CDF; fo:14.5; DA_:25.4; r:2.1; C:242; SDM_:139.884; SRE:13.21; |
74100A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | LangID:1; Oil rpm:11000; ra:1; yobi:7206AWDF; DI_:36.419; r1:0.6; ALPHA_:30; GRS rpm:8000; ao:10.6; C:36.5; SREX:0.04; ALP21:30; C0:29.5; C_conv:36500; SRIX:0.04; SDM_:46; rb:0.6; mass:0.394; 2B_:32; SRE:4.95; |
75072A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | DA_:4.762; hidTable:ecat_NSANGB; D_:32; C0:3.45; m0:0.198; SRE:2.48; ALPHA_:30; d:15; KBRG:7021; Oil rpm:26000; ALP21:30; LangID:1; ra:0.3; mass:0.03; r1:0.15; SREX:0.03; SRI:2.48; r:0.3; hidYobi:7002AW; SRIX:0.03; |
7 1830 04 Rollix Slewing Ring Bearings | Housing Material:Cast Iron; Ring Size:Standard; Bearing Family:Eccentric Collar Bal; Housing Type:Wide Slot Take-Up; Housing Coating:Powder Coat; Bearing Insert Material:Steel; Manufacturing Plant Location:Rogersville, TN; Retainer Type:Std Retainer; Self Aligning:Self Centering; Bearing Inner Ring Material:Steel; Grease Type:Unirex N2; Ball Grade:Class 10; End Cap Groove:No; Bearing Bore Shape:Round; |
39 1091 01 Rollix Slewing Ring Bearings | Housing Material:Cast Iron; Ball Bearing Housing Series:204 Series; Ball Material:Steel; Shaft Attachment (2):Set Screw; Ring Size:Standard; Bearing Series:204 Series; d:0.7500 in; Retainer Type:Std Retainer; Expansion Type:Non-Expansion; Bearing Locking Device:Setscrew; Ship Weight:1.41 LB; Bearing Inner Ring Material:Steel; Bearing Duty:Intermediate Duty; Base to Center Height:Not Applicable; Grease Type:Unirex N2; |
68956A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings Video
68956A Hex Color (Highland) - Hex Dictionary
Highland - #68956A hex colors. Convert to hex/HTML/CSS/RGB/CMYK/HSV.
Faux-Russian green (#68956a) knowledge base - 2020 Colors
#68956a is made up of (104, 149, 106) in RGB colorspace and (30.20, 0.00, 28.86, 41.57) in CMYK colorspace. Its decimal value is 6853994 and the closest ...
#68956a Hex Color Code — HexColor16
68956a color description: hex color code, color conversion (HSV, HSL, CMYK, CIE, …), rgb(104, 149, 106) color combinations, schemes and HTML/CSS examples...
#68956a Hex Color Code, RGB and Paints - Encycolorpedia
The hexadecimal color code #68956a is a shade of green. In the RGB color model #68956a is comprised of 40.78% red, 58.43% green and 41.57% blue. In the HSL ...
68956A LILY Interchangeable From Franke Slewing Ring Bearings ...
68956A Slewing Ring Bearings ; Inside Diameter Of Inner Ring, 229.5 mm ; Outside Diameter Of Outer Ring, 250.5 mm ; Height Of Overall Bearing Assembly (H), 5.5 mm.
07 Harley Davidson Street Glide FLHX Security System ... - eBay
07 Harley Davidson Street Glide FLHX Security System Antenna 68956-07. ✓⭐ eBay's #1 Source for Used Powersports Parts ⭐✓. 07 Harley Davidson Street ...
#68956a Color Hex
#68956a color RGB value is (104,149,106). #68956a hex color red value is 104, green value is 149 and the blue value of its RGB is 106.
#68956a hex color
The hexadecimal color #68956a has RGB values of R:104, G:149, B:106 and CMYK values of C:0.3, M:0, Y:0.29, K:0.42. Its decimal value is 6853994.
#68956a - Highland - RGB 104, 149, 106 Color Informations
68956a hex color code information, #68956A Highland colour description, schemes and conversion in RGB(104, 149, 106), CMYK, HSL, HSV etc.
Large Slewing Bearings Part series 68956A is a potential replacement for these common bearing part numbers:
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- Phone(Working Time)+55-65-3-648-38-93
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Franke 68956A Technical Articles
75x115x31 bearing dimensions |
25x37x7 bearing size chart mm |
85x120x18 bearing size catalogue |
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